Find the right balance and harmony for your household.

Scale balancing love and work

Tools and features built by a panel of experts. Tested by hundreds of families.

Get an accurate picture to drive real change

“Persist is incredible. If you are thinking about buying, just do it! It’s worth every penny” - Laura Danger, expert in division of domestic labor


Household Hub

Seamlessly collaborate with your partner by pinning important topics to a shared bulletin board.

Keep track of all the things you need to discuss with your partner in one shared place. Pin items to your household bulletin board to jump start conversations with your partner.

Any time you see something in Persist that you want to share with your partner - just create a pin for it!

  • Discussion topics

  • Ah-ha moments

  • Proposed trades (when it’s time to switch who owns a task due to schedules, priorities, or burnout)

Pre-loaded Task Profiles

Each of the 75 tasks, comes with the following features, all completely editable for maximum personalization.

Task Prompts: Questions designed to help couples align on a given task and capture important details (details, standards, schedules, allergies, contact information).

Weekly Hours: Every family is unique and many tasks are seasonal. From varying extracurricular activities to tax season, Persist allows you to customize weekly hours to YOUR family.

Owner: Assigned to either partner and can be easily reassigned or shared over time.

Village: All Task Profiles can be shared with your Village. Need a friend to take care of your cat? Share your pet task profile so they have everything they need.

Outsource: All Task Profiles have a short cut outsource button that sends details directly to your Persistant.

CareLoad: Every family is different, as is every member of that family. Tasks that are incredibly heavy for one partner, may be lighter for the other. Couples can lower their CareLoad score by more appropriately dividing tasks based on personality, preferences and talents.


A personalized dashboard that highlights the totality of work required to make your household function, as well as contribution by partner. Dig into the hours and weight of the tasks on your plate; discuss with your partner and improve visibility and distribution.

We all know that certain tasks are simply “heavier” than others. CareLoad measures the subjective attributes that can make a given task more challenging.

Your CareLoad score is based on which tasks you have assigned to your household, and the CareLoad attributes of each individual task. Certain tasks require a different kind of mental or emotional energy; have to happen at a set time, or just seem to be endless. All of which adds up to the full weight of what you carry every day.


Persist Badges

In addition to the satisfaction you’ll feel from finding a better balance for managing household labor, we think you deserve to have something to show for all of the hard work you’re putting in.

Persist badges help you track the progress you’re making at implementing a new way of doing things. You’ll earn badges for completing certain steps, taking specific actions and achieving key milestones along the way.

Personal Assistant Support

Leverage your standard-setting and task details to get the right help as quickly as possible.

Every Task Profile in the app has a magic ‘outsource’ button, and our team of expert Persistants will be waiting to find you what you need. Looking for a babysitter? Dog walker? We can do all the work to find you the right person. Behind on insurance research? Need us to buy your in-laws some gifts? We are here to help. Just let us know!

App Access comes with a free 15 min call with a Persistant. Hours can be purchased through the app or our website.

Expert Guidance

Learn from hand-selected coaches who are trained in helping couples navigate discussions around household responsibilities, standards, and division work.

Full Reset Package

  • Professional Coaching

    Two coaching sessions with the coach of your choice; trained in helping couples navigate challenging conversations around care work.

  • App Access

    Use our app to easily assign and redistribute daily and ongoing responsibilities to more effectively get things done.

  • 15 hours of Hands-On Support

    Including a 1:1 personal onboarding session to get you all set up in the app! Utilize our virtual ‘Persistants’ to help with daily tasks, including concierge hiring support.

Get Started Today!